We've been pretty busy the last week. Jamir's family came to visit for the weekend and Mama Lopez stayed the rest of the week. We showed them just the little bit we know about St George including the lookout, rock climbing, and Red Cliffs Recreation Area. I was impressed that Mama and Papa both did the rappelling without fear! And Kenia and Josue were adventurous with the rock climbing. It was a little rainy weekend, but still nice enough to do some hiking.
En español: hemos estado muy ocupados la semana pasada. Mi familia vino a visitarnos el pasado fin de semana y les dimos el tour de lo hasta ahora conocemos de nuestra nueva ciudad de St George, o en español San Jorge. Los llevamos a escalar y a rapelear, mis papas lo hicieron sin ninguna dificultad o miedo!
I wanted a better picture here since the one I have is cut off. |
We went to Little Women at the Brigham Young Playhouse. I have noticed there is a big group of actors here. I think it is because of Tuachan. It was a cute production, but there definitely a "type" to actors. We are definitely going to be seeing some shows over at Tuachan and at Dixie.
También fuimos a un teatro local a ver "mujercitas". Hay varios actores por acá ya que hay una escuela de artes y actuación que se llama Tuachan. Vamos a ir a muchas mas producciones teatrales en el futuro.
I am also in the young women's and Jamir is in the young men's. So far it is fun and I hope to make them feel the same happiness from the gospel that I do. Our rama is great. We had callings within the first week and the branch president has had us over many times for popusas and cake. Jamir also is the unofficial ward pianist :) He says he is using a little help from above like he did on his mission.
Amy esta en la organización de mujeres jóvenes y yo con los hombres jóvenes de nuestra congregación. Ha sido muy divertido y esperamos poder hacer sentir a los jóvenes la felicidad que nosotros sentimos al vivir el evangelio. Disfrutamos mucho convivir con los miembros de nuestra congregación, el presidente de la rama o obispo nos dio asignaciones nuestra primera semana y también nos ha invitado a su casa varias veces a comer pastel y popusas.
I'm hoping to eventually make them feel more confident. They act like I'm throwing knives at them when I take their picture. Amy espera que las jóvenes sean menos tímidas con ella. |
And my boss is letting me do the more expensive arrangements at work now. I just want to learn everything I can before I move to something else.
El jefe de la floreria donde trabaja Amy le permite hacer los arreglos mas caros. Amy quiere aprender lo mas que pueda mientras tiene la oportunidad.
A fancy dance we set up for. |
And last weekend we took a little hike on Chuckwalla trail. Surprisingly it is already getting hot here. It's been really pleasant, but the trail was set against rocks, so it warmed up pretty fast. We love it here so far. We have everything we need and living in a studio apartment has really made me appreciate all the things we have.
Este fin de semana fuimos a una reserva que se llama "chuckwalla". Es increíble que ya esta haciendo calor por acá.
We have to wear our BYU shirts proudly here. There is a little rivalry from the people here and "up north"
Aquí estamos orgullosamente usando nuestras playeras de BYU. Parece ser que existe una rivalidad de universidades y personas muy vivida entre el sur y el norte del estado |