Jamir went camping with the youth on Saturday in Oak Grove. Since he liked it so much, when he got back we got back in the car again to do the hike and have dinner. It's a beautiful little spot about 20 miles from St George. We did some of the hike (parts were so covered with trees, it was hard to walk) and then explored the campsite and cooked dinner. I wish we would have known about it sooner since it was nice to be around the trees!
El pasado fin de semana fui a acampar con los hombres jovenes en Oak Grove. Me gusto tanto que el mismo dia que regrese a casa me lleve a Amy a Oak Grove para lo que viera y tuvieramos un dia de campo. Es un lugar padrisimo que queda a 20 millas de nuestra casa. Ojala hubiesemos descubierto este lugar antes, hubieramos ido a acampar como familia. Y Claro que Amy le encanto estar entre los arboles.
We decided to eat a little more healthy than hot dogs. Grilled chicken, pineapple onion and peppers. It turned out really good. |
This really old Bee Tree we found. It is hollow on the inside so bees live there. Its 550 years old! |