Our Danny is here! After weekly ultrasounds measuring his amniotic fluid and movement, the doctor recommended we induce me on Friday, 3-23-18. Baby was looking fine before then, but in the last week his fluid had dropped more than half and his growth had gone from 19% to 13%. He wasn't growing as well. I had made it to 38 weeks, so we were surprised he hadn't come yet anyway. But because it could be a problem, that night I was scheduled for an induction at 7 pm at the birthing center.
So knowing that baby would come, I went home after the 9 am OB appointment, and thought about it all day. I cleaned and prepped. Took one last nap with Benji, and called the baby sitter. It was surreal knowing I would be at the hospital that night.
6:30 came and after eating a very light dinner (I was nervous and stressed trying to clean everything), we headed to the hospital while Ben was left with some friends to spend the night at our house. We got to the room, Jamir gave me a blessing, waited an hour, and finally they started the induction. The nurse said that sometimes they have the delivery for vbacs in the operating room, but my doctor thought that wasn't necessary. Luckily she was right. After a couple hours of inserting the balloon (meant to dilate me to 4 cm) it finally fell out and my water broke. I also had an IV with a drug to start contractions. I was feeling pretty strong contractions at this point. I thought I could handle pain, but they hurt so bad. I was trying to breathe through each one and distract myself with movies, but they hurt! I also couldn't help but throw up a couple times (while Jamir worked on his second turkey sandwich). I asked for an epidural. The nurse had encouraged me to wait, but she also said that these things can take 2-3 days and I was NOT going to have contractions like this for that long. So she checked me and I was at 7 cm and they put the epidural in. I had to sit up and that was the worst because I couldn't brace myself for the contractions or get comfortable. But I could lay back down once it was in. I also worried slightly because at each contraction, Danny's heart rate would go down. The nurse assured me that the placenta would take over, but I still couldn't help but worry that I would need a c section if he got distressed.
I'm not sure what time it was by then, but past midnight and I felt the need to push. I checked the clock and it didn't register what time it was. All I remember was that very soon after 7 cm, I felt I needed to push and after probably an hour or two of pushing, (and tearing) they called the doctor in. I loved my nurse. She was very encouraging and gave me tips on how to get through it. And I am grateful for a doctor who keeps up on research and didn't seem worried about the vbac. After one final push, Danny came! 5 lbs 9 oz. 18 inches. 5:15 am. He was very squeaky sounding. And I noticed he looked blonder than Ben. We stayed in the delivery room for a quite a while doing skin to skin and then were taken to the recovery room.
Jamir went to get Ben around 11 that day. Ben loves his little brother. He always wants to hold him and hug him. He thinks it's hilarious when he "toots." I am so relived there hasn't been that bad of a transition for him. I hope they can be best friends when Danny catches up to him in size.
After one night in the hospital, we were discharged in the afternoon and were able to go home. This recovery has been so much better. The delivery hurt so much worse (didn't feel a thing with the c-section), but I can already tell I will be back to normal so much faster. And I am able to breastfeed this time around, so no more cleaning and washing bottles or measuring ounces unless I want to. The only downside is Danny loves to be held so I can't put him down like I did with Ben. Ben was such a contented baby that he would sleep no problem, but Danny wants to be in someone's arms. So it's fun to see how they are already different people. We love Danny and can't believe he is here!
I am extremely grateful for modern medicine. I am grateful to not only have Benji, but Danny here too. I am grateful to be able to birth two boys and experience more way than one to have them. I really believe we were supposed to live in Medford so we can have access to the medical knowledge here. I wouldn't be able to have these boys if we lived somewhere without fantastic doctors. I am so happy that we have our boys and that they came when they did. My heart is full and I love our little family.
last nap with my boy |
enjoying room service |
Jamir brought me flowers |
Danny didn't pass his carseat test, so he gets a loaner from the hospital |
hot dogs and donuts...healthy recovery food |
wanting to help with everything |
playing outside while I recover |
naps all around |
finishing the pinata |
being a supportive big brother with his own pacifier |
breakfast in bed |
haircuts outside |
how we nap now |
making dinner together |
giving Danny his giraffe |
entertainment when mom can't move |