Friday, May 30, 2014

Coos Bay/Newport/Las Vegas (Cuz Bei/Nuport/Las Vegas)

We have news. We are moving to Coos Bay, Oregon! We flew in for the interview last week and got the offer yesterday. This trip had a lot of firsts for us. First time having our car towed, first time renting a car, and first time getting a taxi in the U.S. Not my favorite firsts. Luckily, Jamir was very calm the entire time our car broke down on the freeway. We had to wait for a tow truck, find a way to our motel, and find a way to the airport. I'm happy to say we are safe at home and the car is fixed.

The rest of the trip went much smoother. Oregon is so pretty and we are excited to go there. I am already planning the fun stuff we will do. Oh, and thanks Choco, for letting us stay with you and taking our pictures.

En espa~nol:
Las nuevas nuevas es que nos vamos a Oregon. Viajamos a Oregon y ese viajecito tuvo novedades y fuimos primerisos en que nos llevara la grua, en rentar un coche y andar en taxi es los estados unidos, que fue lo peor. El coche se descompuso en medio de la carretera en camino al aeropuerto en las vegas afortunadamente al final todo salio bien y llegamos a tiempo al aeropuerto y el coche quedo arreglado. 

El resto del viaje fue mucho mejor. Oregon es un lugar hermoso me gusto mucho y Amy le encanto. Ya hasta planeando todas las cosas que vamos a hacer por alla. Estando en Oregon nos quedamos con mi hermano Christian que nos llevo a unas cascada y a pescar cangrejos fue Christian tambien quien nos dio en contacto con el trabajo y estamos agradecidos con el.

The sad picture of Hector being pulled onto the tow truck

Sea lions in Newport. Famous bridge in background.

Working in a flower shop made me appreciate how expensive flowers are. I didn't know calla lilies could get so big!

Sunset beach in Coos Bay

Along the coast we stopped to see more sea lions and tide pools

Beach in Newport

Jamir is crazy and wants to swim in the cold water

Alsea Falls 

Crabbing. I don't like to touch them

Back in Las Vegas. We stayed an extra day to have the car fixed.

M &M world

Thursday, May 29, 2014


One of my favorite things is to take our tripod and take pictures in pretty places. It's fun to goof around with Jamir and practice. Jamir got me photoshop for Mother's Day so I have been playing around with it. Enjoy :)

A Amy le encanta tomar fotos, bueno le encanta tomar fotos y hacer toda clase de actividades artisticas, trato de aporarle en sus talentos y deseos, este pasado dia de las madres le regale un programa para editar fotos y se convirtiendo en una experta.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Kanarraville Falls/ Cascadas en Kanarraville (Kanarvil)

We took a hike this past Saturday at Kanarraville Falls. We both agree that this is a must do if you go to/live in St George area. It was so pretty. It has all the green with the slot canyons, and you spend most of the time walking in water. There are quite a few pictures, but I couldn't help myself.

Fuimos a estas cascadas que quedan al norte de St. George y hemos decidido que es uno de los mejores lugares a visitar del area. Es un cayon con un peque~no arroyo y cascadas. Naturalmente Amy tomo muchas fotos.

We started out in the town because we didn't want to pay for parking. Very cute small town with livestock.

First waterfall. Little did we know there would be many more.

Cool tree roots. 

Jamir didn't want to get in the water at first because it was cold. He liked it later though!

First slot canyon. I love these! They are so fun to walk through.

First big waterfall

Second waterfall. Above it had gotten washed out so we had to climb over rocks to get up.


To the left are two waterfalls you can slide down. Unfortunately, the sun washed it out so its hard to see.

And third big waterfall

A flash flood had destroyed the wood to climb up so we had to pull ourselves up

On the way down. The rope broke a min after this and I got some nice rope burn. It was a soft landing thankfully.

The effects of the flash flood. Rips the trees' tops off

We highly recommend this hike. It was so fun to be in the water. My ankles hurt later though from using only water shoes and hitting rocks.

We hit Kolob Canyon on the way back. It was just a scenic drive with a few hikes, but it was pretty as well. It was less touristy because it is on the north side of Zion.

Beautiful red rock