One of my most favorite things to do in St. George is to sit out on our front porch at dusk. A few weeks ago we discovered that there is a large community of bats that fly over our apartment. I don't know why I am so excited about it, but it is so cool to me. I love to sit and chat with Jamir while eating pineapple in the warm breeze.
Nos gusta en las tardes salir a patio y charlar. Hace poco nos dimos cuenta que lo que pensabamos que eran pajaros volando en el atardecer resultaron ser murcielagos. Hay bastantes y Amy intento tomar fotos, haber si los pueden ver.
Lleve a Amy a su primer quincia~nera. En St. George hay una gran cantidad de latinos y tenemos la fortuna de ser amigos de varios y de ser invitados al quincia~nera. Estuvo padrisimo, me puso nostalgico por pensar en mi pais, pero feliz tambien por que la cultura latina no conoce fronteras. Mi parte favorita fue el baile al final.
Our garden is growing! It almost died a couple weeks ago due to lack of drainage which Jamir quickly fixed. |
Cheesy, but I like to take pics of good memories. Also, I'm wearing my pj's. Don't judge. |
Beautiful sunset. Can you spot the bat? |
There are actually a couple bats in this pic. They move so fast it is impossible to catch them. |
Last week I attended my first quinceanera. Jamir was in one growing up and explained what was happening. It was fun! Free dinner and dancing, heck yes! I am becoming a true Latina :)