Yesterday we hiked up Humbug Mountain (about an hour south of us). The trail itself was beautiful with a lot of ferns, small waterfalls, and clovers. There were some small outlooks of the ocean, but not much at the top to see unfortunately. But, it felt really nice to be going UP on a trail for once since most trails are flat here. It was a beautiful, nature filled Saturday.
Ayer caminamos la caminata Humbug Mountain (al sur de nostros). El trail fue muy bello con muchos ferns, cascaditas, y clovers (treboles). Hay vistas del mar, pero no muchas en la cima disfortunamente. Pero, nos gusto estar caminado de subida, porque la majoria de los trails aqui son planos. Fue un Sabado hermoso y con naturaleza.
The majority of what the trail looked like. |
Our new hiking boots! Along with clovers for St. Patrick's Day |
First beautiful view of the ocean. |
We had to crawl under a couple of these... |
Second view (higher) |
The top was a little grassy area, that had a SLIVER of view...a little disappointing, but it was still fun to have a picnic and enjoy the sun.
We love sugar snap peas |
Now all of our attempts to get a jumping pic...
There we go |
And Jamir thought this was artsy...and I kinda liked it too :) so why not. |
Now to go back down. |
Awesome Oregon trees. |
Port Orford is on the way so we stopped to check out beach and lighthouse.
Cliff overlooking beach |
Lighthouse to the left. |
Driving back I see these beautiful yellow flowers growing all over the place so of course I say, "Jamir I NEED to take a picture right now with the golden hour sun." And my patient husband turns the car around to humor me.
There were so many! |
This is what a husband looks like who has to pose for his wife so she can get a shot. :) :) This pic is raw out of the camera. |