A little update. I've been way behind in posting this. Things have been so crazy around here with church callings, looking for a house, and activities of fall. I did take some pictures of some weeks. I wasn't very good about it-mostly because I am still cautious and also busy. But hoping that things will die down a little and we can relax a bit before our baby comes.
Weeks 4-12 were very stressful for me. I felt fine but mostly tired. I would have rather been sick though for the reassurance. Every time we went for an ultrasound (we had lots), I would brace myself. But so far everything is normal and our baby boy is healthy and fine. All his organs are in the right place and he is the right size. They couldn't see his heart very well so we will have another ultrasound at 24 weeks. I can feel him move if I'm sitting still. It's hard to believe I'm past halfway and he's coming in January! Jamir and I are planning on enjoying our last Christmas as just a family of two. But will be equally happy when he joins us for next Christmas. Anyways, Oct should be a less busy month so here's to relaxing and enjoying fall!
Una peque~na actualizacion. Estamos un poco tarde con este post. Hemos estado muy ocupados esta mes con responsabilidades en la iglesia (llamamientos) y en busca por una casa y otras actividades de oto~no. No tomamos muchas estas semanas pasadas pero vamos a ser mas diligentes con las fotos. No tomamos muchas fotos por estar tan ocupados. Pero esperamos que cosas sean menos ocupadas y podamos relajarnos un poquito antes de que nuestro bebe venga.
Semananas 4-12 del embarazo fueron my estresantes para Amy. Ella se sentia bien, pero la muy cansada. Cada ves que ivamos por un ultrasonido ( tuvimos muchos de esos ), Amy se ponia nerviosa. Pero todo esta bien y normal y nuestro baby esta saludable y bien. Todos sus orgnas estan el lugar correcto y el es del tama~no correcto. Amy lo puede sentir moverse. Octubre debe ser un poco menos ocupado y estaremos relajando y desfrutando el oto~no!