We had a quiet, but relaxing Christmas this year with just us and Manolo. Mom, Dad, Cam and Grandma were supposed to come, but the weather was bad and it's an 8 hr drive. But it works out okay because they will be here soon for the baby blessing anyway.
We spent Jamir's time off cooking, relaxing, and taking trips to Lowes for the new house. We had a lot of pie left over so now I get to enjoy frozen pie in the future months.
Then for New Years we decided to head to Portland to see Sugey who had a break from boot camp and Choco and his family. We made a vacation out of it since we didn't do much for our anniversary and it will be the last child free one we have!
I also made a goal to take more pictures even if it means I use my bad phone camera. I love my DSLR, but I realized I wouldn't take pics because I was lazy and didn't want to change settings. Hence some pics are fuzzy and poor quality, but at least documented.
Christmas Eve morning |
Christmas pic. Jamir got me the remote I've been wanting so family pics will be easier! |
Manolo goes crazy for boxes and wrapping paper |
Sunset one night. I didn't do anything to this pic, it really was that vibrant. |
Making ravioli. We don't have a pasta maker so we used a mason jar lid. Maybe I'm biased, but they turned out really good! |
Jamir playing Christmas music. Manolo doesn't mind loud sounds...which will be good. |
Pretty rainbow one morning
Manolo and Jamir setting up the crib |
Jamir says he's never liked cats, but Manolo is the exception. I think I've converted him. |
We visited Choco , Maren, Sugey and kids in WA for New Years Eve. Then we got a nice motel and shopped and sight saw the next day.
Showing me how to find gold |
Yummy breakfast in bed. |
Pittock Mansion |
View of Portland |
It was cold. Hence my eyes watering and closed. |
Powell book store. It's so large you need a map. It was fun to browse around and be warm. |
Since it was New Years day, I had to get my good luck and order black eyed peas...of course the waiter didn't know what Hoppin John was. |
One last pic for documentation purposes. |
We made carne asada and hoppin john at home the next day. Worth cooking outside. And Manolo loves to watch from his plant (one of his favorite spots, thankgoodness he doesn't use it as a litter box!) |
Installed some new shelves. |
went to our first parenting class. At least our baby looks happy |