This morning at about 4:45 am, Jamir and I heard a lot of squawking coming from the chickens. Sometimes they do that, but then we heard a LOUD squeal that didn't sound good. We both jumped out of bed and turned the porch light on. I didn't have my glasses, but could hear the commotion coming from a large wild animal! There was a security breach in the "chikin inn." Sadly, Lupe (the strongest, black hen) was dragged over the fence by a raccoon. I'm glad I didn't see it, but Jamir said he was a big fat guy. He threw a rock at him, but it was too late. There was only a pile of feathers left.
Luckily, we still have the other two. Maria and now "the guera." We would only have one, since it turns out our Americauna, Linda, was a rooster(of course the green egg layer was a rooster). We got rid of Linda (now Juan) and a nice couple in our ward traded him for another hen. I think she is a Rhode Island Red, but she has white tail feathers. We named her "the guera" meaning blond.
So now we have a tiny flock of two Rhode Island Reds. *sigh* Now I'm afraid to even let the chickens out of their coop. Jamir and I were both a little sad this morning as we have gotten attached to them. Even Manolo has been hanging in the yard with them (instead of chasing them), but he proved to be a worthless guard dog when the raccoon took Lupe.
Linda, the rooster before we gave him away. And the black one (now gone :() is Lupe. |
Trading Linda for Guera. |
Manolo saying goodbye. |
And now for some happy pictures
Ben loves to chew on watermelon rinds |
The couple who gave us the chicken has tons of fruit trees. They gave us bags of cherries! |
playing with Dad. |
Also fresh rasberries and strawberries. Father's Day dessert. |
Sometimes you fall asleep holding your bottle. |