Monday, February 19, 2018

King bed frame, Ben's toy box, sunny/snowy days and surprise baby shower

putting frame together

Manolo and Ben helping

It was a very nice Saturday a few weeks ago. We rode bikes and played at the park for a long time

he has figured out how to unscrew least he put it back on the counter after he dumped it all out

luckily not that much was left

Jamir's toy box made from an old armoire found on cl for free!

reading to Ernie

to beyond! he loves his Buzz hat

carrying the groceries out to the car. I stayed behind because I'm pretty tired these days

before it was finished. And Ben wanted to play on the fresh paint with an orange

I never get anything completely clean...


found a way to get into the flour and spread it around

Ben pushes Manolo down the slide...but then I saw Manolo go down himself the other day so he must like it

how he eats crackers on a sunny day

reading us the lesson

I don't know how he will let his brother sit in the bumbo...he thinks it's his

rock climbing trip for Jamir

Ben and I take selfies at the bottom

finished. I want to add some light sconces so we don't have any tables next to our bed, but another time

added a steering wheel from an old jogging stroller

Ben's new bed. It needs a real mattress, but the foam pad we have right now works pretty good

finding new ways to cause trouble

another sunny day

when I shampoo the carpets and Ben wants to add to the already messy bed

he gets to ride while Jamir does pull ups

testing out places for the bed. He is reading to his bear


snowy day after a sunny day

Ben with all his friends at a court of honor. the little guy to his left is 4 days difference than him

nice day at the park

he has liked dressing himself lately. suspenders, gloves and he usually adds a tie

sits in here to read

found a double stroller of cl. Ben is excited to use it. But it will be a while before his brother can too

Fell asleep like this

daffodils are coming up! and then is snowed today so they wilted

Ben playing at the baby shower. A good friend of ours threw me a baby shower. It was supposed to be a secret, but I started guess when people couldn't be discreet and asked me questions about it. It was really nice of her since she did everything (cake, food, flowers, decorations, games)

Sister Gitzen and her jello belly. It's a conversation starter for sure

tasting baby food

Ben playing with another young men

he thought this would be a good day for a swimsuit

the worst snowfall we have had all year!