Our little squeaky Danny is three months already! Danny loves to be held, and gets pretty fussy when he is left alone. He is sleeping longer stretches now, about 4-5 hours at night which has been a great relief for me. He is also a spitter. He spits ups all the time, but he is getting quite chubby so I don't think weight is problem. He was 9 lbs 9 oz at his 2 month appointment. His hair is coming in thicker, but he is definitely my blondie (not really, but blonde for this family) and his eyes are lighter as well. He can hold his head up quite well, but he sleeps to one side (his right) so he has a flat spot. We are working on getting him to look more left. We love him so and Ben loves him most! He makes sure Danny is tended to when he starts crying and is sure to save a toy for him. I had trouble taking pictures of Danny, because Ben wanted to be in them so bad.
a few weeks before 3 months |
love his toes sticking out. Also, he has a birth mark on his forehead (the red spot that is in every picture) |