Sunday, June 3, 2018

Danny months 1-2

Poor Danny doesn't get the monthly updates that Ben did, but I wanted to update specifically about him. The first thing about Danny is that he toots a lot. Usually at 5 am when I'm done feeding him and he stretches, he makes a lot of noises! It makes me laugh especially when I'm exhausted that early in the morning. He's a healthy boy. He seems a little distressed when Ben comes to him. Ben loves him too much-he has to kiss him every chance he gets and loves to hold him. Poor Danny puts up with the rough love. He wasn't a great sleeper until about a week ago when I decided he was going in the closet and now he goes about 4 hour stretches (instead of 2). He hasn't lost his hair like Ben did (Ben had the old man look) but his hair is lighter and was less initially. He is definitely lighter skinned. People say he either looks like me or Ben and one person has said he looks like Grandpa Steflik which is fitting for his name. He came out squeaky and is a bit squealy when he is upset. He likes to smile and talk with us and take baths with Ben. We love our Danito!

One Month:

Two Months: