Poor Danny doesn't get the month to month updates Ben did, but such is life as the second child. Danny is the sweetest boy and quite chubby. He just had his 6 months check up today (Oct 2) and he was 14 lbs 9 oz and in the 5th percentile for weight and 10th for length. So he is still a little boy even though he looks chubby. I especially like his chubby thighs. Danny smiles easily, can sit up and LOVES to eat. He has never had any gagging problems. He eats everything (including a leaf in the yard that he stored in there for a couple hours...) He still squeaks and can produce a LOUD scream if he is really upset. His brother is the only one who can really make him laugh but he loves being tickled. He still spits and toots a lot. Perhaps because he eats a lot? We don't know, but it is his trademark. He never wears an outfit longer than a few minutes before it is covered in some kind of liquid. It's funny when people tell us he spit up and we are like, "we know". It doesn't even phase us. We are working on getting him to sleep longer through the night now that we are more settled. We also call him "kick-y" because he likes to bounce or jump (my arms are tired a lot). He has handled the move and changes peacefully. I just love to kiss and snuggle him while I still can enjoy his baby time. We love Danito!
4 months
5 months
6 months