Thursday, December 3, 2020

May 2020 flowers, deck gets finished, trip to Elko

A friend let me dig up this tree from her home. Im pretty sure it's a sweetbay Magnolia. We will see come spring if it survived.
also some chives by the chicken coop.

Ben is always attaching things to himself for pretend 
animal boy. He loves to feed them.

I had to cut his hair with scissors. Our buzzer died and there were NONE left to find at stores.
Can you see the bird on my wreath? She was collecting string.

first strawberry from those plants I carefully took care of all winter

We got a lot of blueberries this year. It was fun to send the boys out and have them bring them in for pancakes.

the first of many bouquets

envisioning when it is done

rhodys always bloom around mothers day.

trimming out the door

That is rain...we worked on the one day of the year that Medford had a record rainfall. I had glasses(to get ready for lasik) and I felt like the guy on Jurassic Park (who gets eaten in the rainstorm wiping his glasses)
I did all the railing. Cutting with the grinder, piping through, screwing the hardware and clamping it. Jamir did the pergola. We make a good team. And I feel like I can use power tools too!

finally able to play outside safely

sugar peas, sweet potatoes, tomates and garlic and onions in back (and too many sunflowers that took over!)

opening day ceremony (hamburgers on the deck)

signature Danny face
he really wanted fangs...

the toy they love the most
Jamir got me a purple robe locust tree (in memory of Grandma B) for Mother's day. It has already grown so much!

even the front yard has changed so much. There was not anything in the bed around the grass except the medium trees

on a hike with Wendy and Talya

the rental truck for our drive to Elko!
riding in style

putting flowers on Grandma's grave. We miss you.
out by the fire pit at Grandparent's Steflik house

I remember this yard when the trees were just sticks. I wanted to climb a tree as a kid so bad! But it is beautiful now.

Grandma's piano. We stuffed that truck full.
Lynn's painting along with crystal that I used a lot for flowers!

garlic harvest

flowers on Grandma's picnic table

we have since sold the T.V. cabinet. 

I love these evenings. Everything is still so green but also warm

pretty sure that was a pheasant, not a turkey seen on our walk

we ate out there allll the time

when we moved, I really missed out old view. But now I think we have a pretty great one.

we have a pretty amazing life. 

Deck Photoshoot: