He is 9 months! The last month he has grown a lot. I think he is a big boy. We will see at his appointment next week. Ben is very active. He crawls very fast, and stands up on everything. He is getting better at balancing so maybe he will walk soon? His favorite activities include; taking things out of boxes/drawers, banging loud objects in the kitchen, playing (pulling and hitting) with Manolo, going on walks with me, looking around in stores, and roughing with his papa. He loves to feed himself small bites of bread or pasta if he can. He loves all dogs and cats and usually screams when he sees them. He is very curious and smart.
His hair is getting long (another haircut will be soon) and it has a nice wave/curl to it. He has three upper teeth and two bottom. He is the most social, happy baby. Different people say to us that he is the best baby they have ever seen and ask if he ever cries. Let hope he keeps that trait :)
We love him so much!
p.s. pictures are much harder now that he can move so fast!
he also loves his pacifier. |
on the move before I can get a shot |
feasting on his bird |
"Mom, why are we doing this?" |
too hard for me to get a decent one. |
he loves the keyboard. He can bang on it all day. |