Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Muddy yard, radishes, picking a Christmas tree for Thanksgiving

It's very interesting to see how the yard has changed

Can't resist some mud.

the reindeer we got for free over the summer. The boys are very excited

Danny loves Smokey.

Radishes are easy to grow! I wish I liked them better

Smokey checking out the coop

This is from Jamir's birthday. We must have gone late.

Thanksgiving tree

Uncovering rock progress

This tub used to be pink. Tub n tile works great! Except Danny took a spot out with a hard toy. sigh

another muddy day

Balloons are the best thing

The new chickens. They were so scare of us at first. Now they don't care

first snow. It never lasts long

colorful tree

This was Thanksgiving at Shirley's house. We didn't make it to Elko because the roads were too bad.

Grandma's green jello salad
We drove around a lot before we found a spot for our tree. This was by Lake of the Woods

We found it!

Jamir kept saying it wasn't very big. As an experienced natural tree haver, I knew what would happen.