Friday, December 4, 2020

July 2020 Coast trip, camping, ceiling scrape, deck debut, and garden takes off.

Each grab a book and "read"
goggles from Aunt Sugey

camping with the Escobars

Jamir loved shooting arrows
summer nights on the deck. We were able to watch fireworks for 4th of July. It was great

liatris, hydrangea, dahlia, bells and alliums
this is one sunflower that fell over and the side shoots grew up to flowers. The trunk was like 3-4 inches around

the trunk of the sunflower

finally getting the deck finished. That sycamore doubled its size.
see all the grapes forming? That's just a tip of what is there.

all finished. So nice to not have junk underneath
I loved putting flowers on that table all summer (Grandma's repainted table)

the view out the kitchen window is also a lot nicer. It's also handy to pass food through here when grilling

Dairy queen date at the temple

orange raspberries at the temple

sweet peas at a swimhole. Jamir has the pics on his phone. (need to add)

stairs have yet to be finished. But someone was giving away this railing and it fit perfectly!
avocado pit a friend started and I potted. It grew a lot by the end of the season!

sunflowers and garden. My happy place.
the start of the 2 week project. ugh. I listened to Hamilton the whole time on repeat. I will always think of scraping ceilings when I hear those songs.

spiderman saved the neighborhood too many times last night

Crescent beach trip

how wonderful that we can go over and back to the ocean.
and then we can swim in the Smith River on the same day and feel warm. 

first pumpkins. That one is a cross between an acorn squash because I didn't plant that

the mess continues. When I look back, I don't know how we lived through these projects.
the rose garden. This is barely a year old. I got the rose bushes for a dollar each at Lowes! Guess the sales guy wanted to be rid of them. I think they were a gift from Grandma B.

I think I still need to touch up the walls, but the ceiling is done! And new skylight Jamir put in.
Pumpkins so far. and garlic and onions.

Mom came to visit and bring more furniture!
swimhole in Ashland